Presentation given by Meryl Nass July 22nd 2023 in Ellsworth, Maine.
Facebook Livestream: Meryl’s talk starts at hour 1:22 and ends at hour 2:20.
Presentation by Meryl Nass given July 8th 2023 at Health Freedom New Hampshire.
Presentation given by Meryl Nass July 22nd 2023 in Ellsworth, Maine.
Facebook Livestream: Meryl’s talk starts at hour 1:22 and ends at hour 2:20.
Presentation by Meryl Nass given July 8th 2023 at Health Freedom New Hampshire.
Probably most would agree that the two-party system keeps important topics like peace and single-payer healthcare out of the public discourse and ensures that candidates outside the mainstream will never have fair access to the election process. We know that PACs and corporate campaign finance (Citizens United) have an outsized effect on who gets…
Commonly known as “name-calling,” an ad hominem attack “shoots the messenger” in order to deflect from the substance of an issue. It generally means that a criticism of one’s character has been made, rather than a criticism of the issue. Name calling, or the ad hominem attack, is perhaps the most well-known and easy to identify…
The call for health equity has become a rallying cry for public health – health for all and the ability for all people to reach their full health potential. In order to achieve this, public health aims to eliminate health disparities, essentially differences in health outcomes, for disadvantaged people in the population. For example, particular racial or ethnic groups may have…
The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is an agency formed under the auspices of the United Nations (U.N.) in 1948, shortly after the U.N. itself was formed following World War 2. It is considered a specialized agency of the U.N. Unlike other specialized U.N. agencies, the W.H.O. has its own constitution, and can make treaties. The W.H.O. is composed of…
Under the guise of pandemic preparedness an industry was built out, fortunes were made, and new lethal viruses and other microorganisms were discovered or created. A panoply of pandemics and accompanying WHO pandemic declarations have rolled out, one after the other, one scarcely ending before the next appears: 2009 swine flu, 2014 Ebola, 2016 Zika…
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