The Social Credit System is Already Here

The Social Credit System is Already Here

Another shot was fired last week signaling the arrival of a Social Credit System in the US. JP Morgan’s Chase Bank abruptly closed several accounts of Dr Mercola, his businesses, his employees, and employees’ family members. Chase claimed it took the actions “because of unexpected activity.”…

Stop Vax Passports webinar

Stop Vax Passports webinar

This webinar series is a repost with permission from Stop Vax Passports. Vaccine Passports: Gateway to Mass Surveillance…

Social Credit Score: Fiction or Reality?

Social Credit Score: Fiction or Reality?

The concept of a social credit system is based on a government-run credit rating system that assigns score and trustworthiness to its citizens and businesses, which could be blacklisted or whitelisted based on the score itself. China’s social credit system started as a regional trial in 2009 and was expanded into a national pilot with eight credit scoring firms in 2014…

Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs

Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs

Vaccine passports are a tool certifying a person’s vaccination history. Based on vaccination status, a person may be prevented from traveling or accessing services. Vaccine passports could be incorporated into comprehensive digital IDs which link travel, access to services, banking, work, and social credit scores.
A new “diagnosis” code

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