Meryl Nass, M.D.

Founder, Door to Freedom

Dr. Nass is a physician and researcher who proved the world’s largest anthrax epidemic was due to biological warfare. She revealed the dangers of the anthrax vaccine. Her license was suspended for prescribing COVID medications and ‘misinformation.’

Disentangling COVID disinformation since 2020:

James Roguski

James Roguski is a researcher, author, natural health proponent and an activist who believes that the old systems are rightfully crumbling, so we must build their replacements quickly. In March 2022, James uncovered documents regarding proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and was instrumental in raising awareness about them which resulted in the amendments being rejected. James is now doing everything possible to expose the WHO’s hidden agenda behind their proposed “pandemic treaty” as well as the WHO’s ongoing attempts to amend the International Health Regulations. James’ vision for the future can be summarized by the phrase: “Out of the WHO and in with the NEW”.

Vera Sharav

Vera Sharav is a long-time human rights advocate. The founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP), an information resource whose goal is to unlock the walls of secrecy in biomedical research. Her advocacy has often focused on the plight of children as involuntary subjects in medical and environmental experiments that exposed them to harm.

As a survivor of the Holocaust, Mrs. Sharav recognizes ominous parallels between current breakdown of democracy, the suspension of personal freedom, civil and legal rights, restrictive, unilateral government dictates, and ever tighter centralized control and intolerance. Dissenters are ostracized and demonized. This pattern of centralized control led to the Holocaust. At the age of 85, she produced a documentary series — Never Again is Now Global that fearlessly confronts the disturbing parallels – including the imposition of experimental medical products and procedures. Coerced medical procedures constitute a gross violation of the Nuremberg Code – which was adopted to ensure that Never Again would human beings be subjected to experimental medical procedures without “voluntary, informed consent”.

Sam May

Sam co-founded Maine Harvest Federal Credit Union, the first new credit union in Maine in 30 years. He has worked as a tradesman, farmer, laborer, cook, entrepreneur, technology consultant, condo developer, and Senior Research Analyst for Wireless Technology at US Bancorp Piper Jaffray in Silicon Valley. From 2005-20011 Sam lived and worked in Hong Kong and China. For nine years he served on the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association and helped pass legislation requiring labelling of genetically modified food.

Madhava Setty, M.D.

Madhava K. Setty, MD has been a board certified anesthesiologist since 2003. Prior to receiving his medical training he spent six years in the defense industry building prototype real-time simulation and acoustic data acquisition systems. Dr. Setty earned a B.S. Electrical Engineering from M.I.T. and Doctorate in Medicine from Baylor College of Medicine. He is author of the book “Woke. An Anesthesiologist’s View”, a systematic critique of the bias in science, media and our own minds. He writes the substack “An Insult to Intuition”.

Reggie Littlejohn, Esq.

Co-Founder of the Sovereignty Coalition

Josh Mitteldorf Ph.D.

Ph.D. in theoretical physics. Curiosity, willingness to abandon ideas that don’t fit with reality, a history of heretical thought.

Francis Boyle, PhD

Francis Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law. He received an AB (1971) in Political Science from the University of Chicago, then a JD degree magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, and AM and PhD degrees in Political Science from Harvard University. He practiced tax and international tax with Bingham, Dana & Gould.

Professor Boyle serves as counsel to Bosnia and Herzegovina and to the Provisional Government of the Palestinian Authority. He also represents two associations of citizens within Bosnia and was involved in developing the indictment against Slobodan Milosević for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Kat Lindley, D.O.

My travels lead me to England and ultimately United States where I truly learned what freedom and opportunity meant. After several years, I graduated from the medical school and started practicing family medicine. I realized early on in my career that medicine is more than just the practice of it. Medicine is also an opportunity to become a voice for patients and colleagues. My desire to make a difference led me to working with some amazing individuals with the same goal, to make medicine better for everyone while pursuing the three important tenants of the American way of life, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed is an award-winning activist, impact journalist and mediation lawyer from South Africa. She has over 20 years of strategic experience in these fields, especially as they relate to human rights. She is the executive director and chapter coordinator of Children’s Health Defense Africa, and the co-convenor of the African Sovereignty Coalition. She serves on the steering committee of the World Council for Health. Shabnam is based in South Africa where she co-founded Transformative Health Justice NPC and its project to independently record post vaccine adverse effects.

Clare Craig

Clare has been a pathologist since 2001 working in the NHS and reaching consultant level in 2009. She specialized in cancer diagnostics including diagnostic testing for cancer within mass screening programmes.She was the day to day pathology lead for the cancer arm of the 100,000 Genomes Project. She was clinical lead for the data team and led on research and development projects at Genomics England and wrote national guidance and helped build bespoke software, working closely with NHSE. Subsequently she has worked on artificial intelligence for cancer diagnostics.

Andrea Nazarenko, PhD Ma MA MAS

#1 International Best Selling Author
Researcher, Consultant, Speaker

Dr. Elizabeth Evans

MA(Cantab), MBBS, DRCOG. Co-founder and CEO of the UK Medical Freedom Alliance – set up in October 2020. We are a group of healthcare professionals, scientists and lawyers, campaigning for an individual’s right to informed consent, bodily autonomy and medical choice to be upheld in all circumstances. We are the leading UK voice on medical ethics. Front-facing member of HART since inception. Member of Children’s Covid Vaccine Advisory Council (CCVAC). Twitter: @ukmfa1 and @lizfinchevans

Sara Woods Kender

Sara Woods Kender obtained her BS in Environmental Policy and Minor & Specialization in Economics at Keene Stage College in 1993. She is a Clinical Herbalist, and Health Educator & Health Freedom Advocate. She teaches courses on Herbalism and owns and operates an herbal apothecary in NH. She is also a teacher with the Institute of Applied Knowledge founded by Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, teaching courses on clinical herbalism.

Ryan Rivera

Ryan Rivera is a business and technology policy analyst with a long history of consulting in the computing and telecommunications industry as well as the non-profit sector. He holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Chicago. He is currently enrolled in a Master of Public Health program with a concentration in epidemiology. His interests lie in the intersection of technology and ethics, and their implications for future society.

John Day M.D.

John Day M.D. is Family Practice doctor, who has devoted his career to public health, including work on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona, Rural Texas, Rural Hawaii, inpatient Psychiatry in the Texas State Hospital System, and Obstetrics, including teaching and supervising Family Practice Physicians in Training as an Obstetrical Fellow and a Family Practice Faculty Member. He was an early treating physician at his federally qualified public health clinic in Austin, initially using hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, zinc and vitamin-D, until forbidden to prescribe hydroxychloroquine in August 2020, when the first good medical-studiy on ivermectin, zinc and doxycycline, with vitamin-D came out from Bangladesh, and he was able to treat people with that effective combination. He was fired for COVID “vaccine” refusal on moral grounds.

John Klar

John Klar was a tax attorney for several years and then practiced criminal and family litigation. In 1998 he switched to farming in Vermont, and has written for Mother Earth News, Liberty Nation, American Thinker, the Federalist, American Spectator, Human Events, and others. His new book is called “Small Farm Republic: Why Conservatives Must Embrace Local Agriculture, Reject Climate Alarmism, and Lead an Environmental Revival.”

Brook DeLorme

Fascinated by language.