COVID-19: The Biodefense Mafia

COVID-19: The Biodefense Mafia

[01] – My name is Spartacus, and I’ve had enough.
[02] – In the 1960s, Jose Delgado, a Spanish neuroscientist, performed experiments where he implanted electrodes in the brains of bulls. He would then stand in front of charging bulls and bring them to a halt with a remote control that activated the…

The Dangers of Artificial General Intelligence

The Dangers of Artificial General Intelligence

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is the most rapidly adopted tech platform in history, acquiring more than 1 million users in the first five days. Less than two months after its public release, it had more than 100 million users
ChatGPT uses machine learning to generate human-like responses in everyday language to…



The word transhumanism relates to the integration of human bodies with technology. It is driven by scientific advances but directed and financed by governments, military agencies, medical institutions, Big Pharma, and multi-national corporations. Transhumanism discarded medical ethics while ‘Playing God’ with humanity. Transhumanism and the…

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