Action Alert: Censorship Hearing

Action Alert: Censorship Hearing

When: Thursday, August 10th, at 2pm ET (11am PT)
What: Oral Arguments for State of Missouri, Et Al. v. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Et Al. Appellants
Where: Livestreamed on CHD.TV
Original Source: United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (en banc courtroom link will be live during the hearing)

Deny, Deflect, Defend: The Censors’ Strategy on Display

Deny, Deflect, Defend: The Censors’ Strategy on Display

Despite the uproar surrounding the case, Judge Terry Doughty’s order in Missouri v. Biden was straightforward. It prohibited government actors from colluding with social media companies to censor “content containing protected free speech.” In other words, the defendants – including the White House, the CDC, and the Department of Justice – must obey the Constitution…

Stop Vax Passports webinar

Stop Vax Passports webinar

This webinar series is a repost with permission from Stop Vax Passports. Vaccine Passports: Gateway to Mass Surveillance…

Are 15-Minute Cities Smart?

Are 15-Minute Cities Smart?

As with the gas stove “debate,” any questioning of the latest coolest way to reorganize society is a sign of madness. This haughty reality-shifting attitude somehow pervades the elites despite the deserved devastation of the public’s trust in its institutions in the wake of the pandemic, the response to which involved lies, half-truths, spin, lies, mistakes, lies, the threat of force…

Misinformation and Censorship

Misinformation and Censorship

One cannot watch much media these days without seeing a pundit from an elite journalistic or academic institution claim that this or that is “misinformation” or “disinformation.” Claims of misinformation and disinformation have blown up over the past five years.  While such claims appear to have the noble goal of spreading only factual information, do they really do so?…

What is computer modeling?

What is computer modeling?

Physics can predict the behavior of simple systems very accurately. For a ball tossed in the air, you can solve an equation that reliably tells the trajectory.
But most things that happen in the world have many causes and many effects, and the causes and effects interact. In order to make predictions, computer programmers write…

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