What are we facing?  

What methods are being used to control us? 

All these things are hitting us at once to enable the Great Reset.  This website is designed to help you understand what is being done, and that 8 billion people can defeat a few thousand globalists.

What is the Great Reset?

The Great Reset for Dummies

A comprehensive overview by Tessa Lena

Medical Control:

Attack on the Patient-Physician Relationship

Can we restore the trust lost? A 2 minute read by Kat Lindley


Deny, Deflect, Defend: The Censors’ Strategy on Display

by the Brownstone Institute

Misinformation and Censorship

2 Minute Read from Ryan Rivera

CBDCs, Social Credit Systems, and your Money:

What is Central Bank Digital Currency?

2 Minute read by Sam May – your introduction to CBDC

The Social Credit System is Already Here

2 Minute introduction to the concept of a social credit system, by Sam May

Protect yourself: how to opt-out of the Big Tech social credit system

Practical advice by Ryan Rivera

Digital IDs and Vaccine Passports:

Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs

2 Minute overview by Reggie Littlejohn

Food System Attacks:

The Control of Food

2 Minute Read by John Klar

Let them eat bugs!

Why do they want you to eat insects?

Climate Terrorizing:

Climate Change

“How do we know whether it is, on average, getting warmer or colder?”

World Climate Declaration

“There is no climate emergency.” Read the declaration signed by 1600 scientists.

The Dubious Origins of the Carbon Dioxide Driven Global Warming Hypothesis

Analysis by Madhava Setty

Surveillance, both biological and informational:

The WHO’s Proposed Treaty will Increase Man-Made Pandemics

See how surveillance is baked into the agreement in the article by Dr. Meryl Nass

Transhumanism and Eugenics


2 Minute Read by Vera Sharav